August 16

Fun, Smart Songs

Have you had commercial jingles or music stick in your brain with incredibly lasting power? I have! And the amazing thing to me is that the jingles sometimes last only a matter of seconds such as a company giving their phone number. Put it with a rhythm or some music and it’s more likely to have sticking power.

Such the case here with Common Sense Media. I love their characters and clever songs & music. I bet you will too… and then we’ll all be singing or humming along! Their lessons are great ones, so this is good food for the brain too. Fun and smart – Win! Win!

Click Below and Sing! ; D

Click and sing! : ) Be smart online!


August 10

Picture Perfect

I’m taking the Teacher Challenge in learning about Edublogs so we can all experience the most and enjoy making some fabulous picture perfect posts!

We all need to remember to give credit for pictures and work that is not our own. Edublogs gave LOTS of citing examples and site examples to use with ease. That’s great because we want to blog correctly without becoming bogged down by loads of rules.

The one I chose to use is one I’ve never heard of before.


This is a super easy place to go to find great pictures (student safe images from Creative Commons Flickr/Pixabay Safe Search) and… all free to use and the photo credit is included!

Love these speech bubbles. Expressive with or without words!
(And you see those tiny words? That’s the credit given and I didn’t have to do any work t
o put that there. It’s included when you download the picture.)

No citing necessary; this one’s a picture of my own.

Of course, uploading your own photo needs no citing. Here’s a picture of a picture I that a friend made for the Media Lab. I love the colors and design and message.

Now you can take your blogging to the next level. Finish some of your posts with a cool picture perfectly included with all attributions needed.